U.S. Debut Album Entitled BoA Will Be Out 3.17.09! + Random Facts

Here is the track list for her debut album, BoA:

以下是此次出道專輯 翻譯曲目列表:
BoA在美國 翻譯同名出道專輯將會于2009年3月17日刊行.同名專輯‘BoA’也會在日本,韓國和世界 翻譯其它區域 表.她的首張專輯包孕了有‘EYU’ ‘Look Who's Talking’在內的11首歌曲,主打歌名為‘I Did It For Love’是 BoA與Sean Garrett 配合完成的歌曲,別的Sean Garrett 還為此歌作曲,作詞,建造.MSNBC比來還報道了BoA完成了一首由Brian Kennedy制作的中板pop song 名為‘Obsessed’. 此人就是為Rihanna制作了最近大熱曲‘Disturbia’的音樂制作人.BoA當前正在美國為她新歌的MV接受舞蹈訓練.
内容有删節 From :  boajjang  
1. I Did It For Love(featuring Sean Garrett)
2. Energetic
3. Did Ya
4. Look Who's Talking
5. Eat You Up
6. Obsessed
7. Touched
8. Scream
9. Girls On Top
10. Dress Off
11. Hypnotic dancefloor  

BoA's self-titled debut album in the U.S. will be released on March 17th. Following the release date in the U.S. 翻譯公司 the self-titled album BoA will be available in Korea, Japan, and other respective countries in Asia along with the rest of the world. Her first album contains 11 tracks including "Eat You Up" and "Look Who's Talking." The title song is "I Did It For Love" which features Sean Garrett who also composed, produced, and even wrote the lyrics. MSNBC recently reported that BoA has finished a mid-tempo pop song titled "Obsessed" with producer Brian Kennedy who recently produced the hit song 翻譯公司 "Disturbia" for Rihanna. BoA is currently in the U.S. having dance lessons for the new song's music video.

1. I Did It For Love(featuring Sean Garrett)
2. Energetic
3. Did Ya
4. Look Who's Talking
5. Eat You Up
6. Obsessed
7. Touched
8. Scream
9. Girls On Top
10. Dress Off
11. Hypnotic dancefloor

翻譯From : 百度寶兒吧[爱宝的颜崽]

。-> 翻譯社 ,-> 翻譯公司 的-> 翻譯
BoA, 寶兒

BoA自身第2張精選輯,名為‘BEST & USA’將是一張極度分外 翻譯2 in 1專輯,3個版天職別為2CD + 2DVD 翻譯公司  2CD 和 CD.精選輯 翻譯刊行日由2009年3月4日推延到了3月18日.而專輯封面的以BoA的’目下當今&未來‘為概念, 穿戴紅色衣服的BoA代表著’亞洲的BoA‘,穿戴黑色衣服的BoA則代表著’美國的BoA‘

以下內文出自: http://blog.youthwant.com.tw/cyee2004/loveboaletter/29/有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯社
