
Pali-English Dictionary, by T. W. Rhys Davids and W. Stede

Sāre asāradassī: Seeing the unessential in the essential

阿說示尊者對舍利弗唸誦的偈子有分歧翻譯,意義無甚差異,唯字句略有差別。譯文之一如下:「諸法因緣生,諸法從緣滅 翻譯社我佛大沙門,常作如是說。」


執持邪見者,不克不及見真諦 翻譯社


Sāra: (m) essence, substance, real truth, strength, core                  (adj) most excellent, genuine 翻譯公司 perfect 翻譯公司 essential



。-> 翻譯社 ,-> 翻譯公司 的-> 翻譯



Mati: (f) mind 翻譯公司 understanding, imagination, thought 翻譯公司 opinion, wish          (adj) sumati: wise;   dummati: foolish

In the unessential they imagine the essential, in the essential they see the unessential 翻譯公司 - they who entertain (such) wrong thoughts never realize the essence.

*Sāra 真實,精要、無邪見、具戒定慧。




Te sāraṃ nādhigacchanti

註釋首要根據: A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R. C. Childers;